19th Israeli Medical Association World Fellowship International Conference

19th Israeli Medical Association World Fellowship International Conference

The 19th Israeli Medical Association World Fellowship International Conference will take place in Tel Aviv, Israel on April 22-26, 2009.

The Israeli Medical Association World Fellowship (IMA WF) is instituted with the aim of involving doctors around the world with the medical profession in Israel and to bring medical institutions worldwide in closer contact with Israel.

It provides the opportunity for physicians from different continents to come together, share thoughts, and discuss common issues of Jewish and medical interest- all under one roof of the IMA WF.


The main themes of the Conference are:
  • Advanced Technologies in Medicine – including technologies for diagnosis, treatment
  • Stem cell genetics and more
  • Medical Ethics – Jewish and general aspects
  • Health Policy – including physicians’ health, research in medicine and private/public care

For further details contact
Ruthi Yahav, Project Manager at ruthi@comtecmed.com or
Comtecmed, Medical Congress P.O. Box 68, Tel Aviv 61000, Israel
Tel: 972 35666166; Mobile: 972 50 8424361
Fax: 972 3 5666177

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